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Writer's pictureTamika Harrison


Updated: Jan 11, 2023

Clove is not only one of the most delightful aromatic spices used for culinary purposes, but also has incredible healing benefits. Whole cloves are actually the dried flower buds of an evergreen tree and have potent antiseptic and anti-fungal properties particularly in regards to the digestion.

Clove pacifies all three doshas in the body to varying degrees and can spark up a sluggish, weak and disinterested digestive fire or Agni. Clove can ignite the Agni without aggravating the Pitta dosha when used in moderation and aids in soothing a build up of gas or Vata in the colon.

Clove can be used to treat a variety of bacterial and fungal conditions, and is an optimum spice used to manage nausea and vomiting in morning sickness., or in a decoction to treat intestinal worms.

Clove oil is a common Ayurvedic remedy used even in the conventional medical communities as a support for managing tooth pain, tooth sensitivity and other nerve related pain conditions associated with headaches, back pain and arthritic joint pain. Click here for Ayurvedic strategies using clove oil to manage your dental health.

In addition, clove can do wonders for a low libido and supports the treatment of impotence, premature ejaculation and excess vaginal discharge. For further guidance and treatment recommendations in treating these conditions Ayurvedically, please be in touch with us o make an appointment.


The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the science of Ayurveda. If you have an acute or chronic health concern, please consult your chosen trained health care professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. If you are seeking the medical advice of a qualified Ayurvedic Practitioner, contact The Sattva Centre directly -

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