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Tamika was

Starting Place

I had just turned nineteen and was struck down by a severe case of Mononucleosis, commonly known as Glandular Fever.


The months of ongoing fevers and associated symptoms left me with chronic fatigue and a compromised immune system. Consequently, my twenties were riddled with every chronic symptom my body could possibly manifest.


After a long journey through the conventional medical system, I came to realise that the solutions for treating chronic illness were limited for so many, including myself. In my quest to heal, Ayurveda found me. Its teachings forged the path to living my best life with symptoms at bay.

My Dance with Cancer

Unfortunately, after two pregnancies and a myriad of life events, my overall health and immune system became even more vulnerable.

New symptoms arose and old symptoms became harder to manage. In February of 2021, I was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma - a brutal and aggressive form of blood cancer. Interestingly, the type of Lymphoma I had (mixed cellularity) is known for its link to the Epstein-Barr Virus (Glandular Fever) and associated lowered immune function.


My last active treatment was six months after diagnosis, and thanks to my incredible, unwavering support team, with medicine from both East and West I am still here, thriving.

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