I believe in the solutions found in the simplicity of natural alternatives. In terms of cleaning in particular (from my experience), natural products do a just as good, if not better job than other commercial alternatives. The added bonus is that you free yourself and your family from toxins and chemicals, as well as eliminate the nasty side effects that come with exposure to them. Listed below are some of our favourites found in our cupboards and used daily as part of our cleaning routine...
This stuff is cheap as chips and makes an awesome cleaner. It is effective for cleaning floors and surfaces, glass and can even be used as an air freshener. Mix water and vinegar (2 parts water to 1 part vinegar) with a few drops of lemon or eucalyptus essential oils to make a glass cleaner. Or add slightly more vinegar to warm water with eucalyptus oil to use as a floor cleaner. Vinegar with eucalyptus oil also makes an effective rinse aid for the dishwasher.
This is even safe enough to digest. You can add a sprinkle to your toothpaste for a gentle whitening effect on teeth. Also great for sore throats, add some bicarb to your salt water when gargling. As a household product, bicarb makes for an effective all purpose cleaner. Add some bicarb (dry or mixed with water) with some dish washing liquid (eco friendly of course) and additional water in a spray bottle to create a disinfectant that cuts through dirt and grease like no tomorrow. As a general rule of thumb we add two parts water to one part dish washing liquid and bicarb soda.
Not only fantastic for sore muscles in a lovely warm bath, but makes a great fabric softener. Add one tablespoon to your load of washing and wash as normal.
These little beauties eliminate the need for excess detergents by simply having micro-fibres (finer than human hair) absorbing dust and grime. These make great dusting clothes and cleaning clothes too, just add some water if necessary.
All natural soap made from vegetable oils or animal fats makes an efficient cleaning agent. Using soap has little effect on the environment and bio degrades quickly.
This is a great mould and mildew remover as well as a water softener and whitener. For best results, soak dirty clothes in some water with borax and some soap flakes. Take caution though, it is toxic if swallowed. Keep out of reach of little ones.
Not only great for the environment by re-using your plastic bottles, but health stores often have a wonderful selection of all natural shampoos, conditioners, dishwasher liquids, laundry detergents etc. Be sure to always inquire with staff of product ingredients at the store if the bulk containers don't come with labels.
Can't get enough really of essential oils, I am a huge fan. They are great for adding a pleasant scent to vinegar cleaning mixes, some scent to a bath or even used as a super effective disinfectant. Lavender oils are calming and can be used in natural air fresheners, any citrus oils like lemon or orange add a fresh smells to cleaners and eucalyptus oil is a natural disinfectant.
Happy natural homes and cleaning my friends!
The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the science of Ayurveda. If you have an acute or chronic health concern, please consult your chosen trained health care professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. If you are seeking the medical advice of a qualified Ayurvedic Practitioner, contact The Sattva Centre directly - info@thesattvacentre.com
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