Type 2 Diabetes requires attention using holistic strategies to manage or permanently heal the condition. Ayurveda provides a solid framework in treating Type 2 Diabetes, and in addition to the below prescription, I would recommend making an appointment with an Ayurvedic Practitioner at the Sattva Centre to further support your recovery using targeted interventions with herbal medications, dietary guidelines, lifestyle strategies and body therapy treatments.
Curry leaf supports the re-balancing of the Kapha dosha and your body's ability to metabolise sugars effectively.
1/2 tsp curry leaf powder
A pinch cinnamon powder
A pinch turmeric powder
1/2-1/4 cup warm pre-boiled water
In a glass combine all ingredients and consume immediately in the prescription stated above).
Take for up to 3 months as prescribed and with the guidance of your Ayurvedic Practitioner or chosen health care professional.
Make this recipe 2 x daily, taken 10-20 minutes before breakfast and again before dinner on an empty stomach.
Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any concerns or questions.
The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the science of Ayurveda. If you have an acute or chronic health concern, please consult your chosen trained health care professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. If you are seeking the medical advice of a qualified Ayurvedic Practitioner, contact The Sattva Centre directly - info@thesattvacentre.com